HUI, XII, 2021, 95-112

Historia Universitatis Iassiensis 12, 95–112

Vasilica Mîrza | School Auditors and the Problem of Protecting Archaeological Heritage at the Turns of 19th-20th Centuries

Abstract. The involvement of teachers, professors and school inspectors in the activity of protecting the archaeological heritage became necessary following the organization of the first museums and collections in Romania and the establishment of legal measures by which archaeological discoveries are protected from destruction. These legislative initiatives were developed and specified under a legal relationship, at the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th, by the Regulation of exploration and purchases of ancient objects from 1874, the Law of the discovery of monuments and ancient objects from 1892 and the related Regulation from 1893, as well as the one from 1913, the Law of Conservation and Restoration of Historical Monuments. At the same time, the imposition of strict control measures on occasional excavations was necessary, as a result of the increase in the search for treasures, especially at the end of the 19th century. The school auditors had the task of inspecting the school in the counties of the country, in order to detect some ancient objects, which could be kept in schools, brought by the students or the citizens of the places, following some accidental discoveries. The role of school inspectors in fulfilling the objectives created by law has been assumed and during the studied period an increase in awareness of their role in applying measures to protect archaeological heritage, supervising research or issuing notices to Prefectures or the Ministry of Cults and Public Instruction can be registered. Autobiographic note: Vasilica Mîrza- Muzeul Universității/Romanian Young Academy; PhD in History when she studied about Archaeology and Museology in Romania at the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th (methods and concepts).