About the journal

Historia Universitatis Iassiensis journal is published in a single number per year and includes studies and articles both in Romanian and in major scientific languages: English, French, German, Russian and Italian.

Historia Universitatis Iassiensis journal is an academic publication dedicated to studies, articles, book reviews, bibliographic notes, academic reports and essays and other categories of technical and administrative materials. Their theme is circumscribed to the issue of the university history (Central and Eastern European university, in particular,) as well as with the history of education, in general. There are welcomed (and encouraged) comparison and theoretical studies regarding the university’s history and historiography. At the same time, there will be paid major importance to studies and articles related to the history of education and intellectual life, insofar as they significantly relate to the history of university. Along with historiographic contributions, the journal also encourages approaches on university museology.

A special column within the publication is dedicated to documentary studies. These studies aim to disclose unknown or unpublished materials, regarding the history of university and academic life. The material sent for publishing have to contain: (1) Transcript of original document: (2) Its translation into Romanian / foreign language; (3) A preliminary study; (4) Summary.

Bibliographical essays do not require strict demands of editing, in addition to the basic condition that the subject matter be significantly related to the general theme of the journal. The reviews must deal with recently published works (during the last five years) and provide a professional critical perspective. Translations are not to be reviewed except for very well argued cases. Contributions for Addenda et Corrigenda must relate to a specific issue and not explicitly contribute to the correction of a historiographical error.

As a rule, the editors do not impose any political, institutional and cultural restrictions. Critical attitude, debates and polemics are encouraged. However, the authors are recommended that, in addition to necessary decency, to respect the fundamental values and norms of a democratic political culture. Contributions that praise anti-Semitism and hatred for cultural or political reasons are excluded from the beginning. At the same time, studies and articles that approve totalitarian or non-democratic topics or behaviours are to be treated as not-complying with the publication’s editorial line.

There will be taken as studies, and, therefore, published in the section reserved for them, those materials that meet the following conditions:  (a) Deal with a clearly stated problem in an quasi-exhaustive manner; (b) Bring significant contributions to the questioned issue; (c) Meet the formal rules of an academic approach in terms of language, organization of the material, system of argumentation, ethical norms etc.

Please email the materials for publication to .img@.img